Friday, June 30th
- Driving range opens 6:00 AM
- All Thursday money game refunds will be available at check in
- Morning wave begins 7:00 AM #1/#10 tee
- Tournament lunch served 11:00 PM - 2:00 PM
- Players only – No exceptions
- Afternoon wave begins 12:00 PM #1/#10 tee
- Driving range will close @ 5:00 PM for tournament preparation
Saturday, July 1
- Driving range opens 6:00 AM
- Morning wave begins 7:00 AM #1/#10 tee
- Tournament lunch served 11:00 PM - 2:00 PM
- Players only – No exceptions
- Afternoon wave begins 12:00 PM #1/#10 tee
- Driving range will close @ 5:00 PM for tournament preparation
Sunday, July 2
- Driving range opens 6:00 AM
- Final day morning wave begins 7:30 AM #1/#10 tee
- Top 60 and ties
- Tournament lunch served 11:00- 2:00
Professionals and Championship Amateur Flight will play Toyota of Laramie tees. All amateurs will play from white tees.
The professional purse will have an estimated $60,000.00 in payout and the amateurs being paid gross and net within each flight in shop credit.
Round 1 and Round 2 Times – Round 3 Cut
Same groupings for all players round 1 and round 2. All amateur flights (not including Championship Amateur) will only play 36 holes (Friday and Saturday). For round 3, there will be cut after round 2 for the professionals and the Championship Amateurs… 60 and ties.
Practice Facilities
The practice facilities will be open to the Laramie Open participants Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The range will close every evening @ 6:00 PM for maintenance and tournament prep.
Golf Genius
We will be using the live scoring feature of Golf Genius and (1) player in each pairing will be asked to perform live scoring for the group each day.
Scoring Area
Upon completion of each round, you will turn in your scorecard (with hole by hole being correct and 2 signatures) in the scoring basket. Once the scorecard is in the basket, the round will be deemed to be final. Tournament staff will then input final hole by hole scores into golf genius in the NO PLAYER ENTRY back office scoring central.
Additional Games
There will be an optional skins, deuce, and gross day money each day. Professionals and Championship Amateurs will be separate as well as separate from the regular amateurs. We will also have a slugfest on Friday beginning @ 6:00 PM with check-in beginning at 5:30 PM. All players will be lumped together with no handicap allocation in the slugfest. CASH ONLY WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR THE ADDITIONAL GAMES.